
Its not about who is right, or who is wrong
Its not about whose weaker, or whose strong
Its not about whose innocent, or whose fault
It ain't really about that kind of thing at all
Its not about who does it, or done it, or did it to whom
Don't matter if the both of you lose
Its really not bout nothing, except for me and you,girl

Its all about drama, and love, and relationships
And when the going gets tough, you deal with it
And you don't ever, you never walk away from it
You hold on, and be strong
Its all about drama, and trust, and making it
If your somebody, mess up, you take it in
Don't let no body come between you, you just stay with it
And hold on and be strong
And Hold on

Its not about the stupid things that we say
We're always saying stupid things anyway
Its not about the secrecy or the lies
Girl everybody has got a secret to hide
Its not about who was he, or was she, whose creeping on who
Wont matter if the both of us lose
Its really not bout nothing, except for me and you

Its all about drama, and love, and relationships
And when the going gets tough, you deal with it
And you don't ever, you never walk away from it
You hold on, and be strong
Its all about drama, and trust, and making it
If your somebody, mess up, you take it in
Don't let no body come between you you just stay with it
And hold on and be strong
And Hold on

Ain't bout your pride
Ain't bout your self
Its about the two of you, and no one else
Ain't about the hurt
Ain't about the lies
Ain't bout the crazy things that's running through your mind
Its bout the love that has supposed to last and never die

Its all about drama, and love, and relationships
And when the going gets tough, you deal with it
And you don't ever, you never walk away from it
You hold on, and be strong
Its all about drama, and trust, and making it
If your somebody, mess up, you take it in
Don't let no body come between you you just stay with it
And hold on and be strong
And Hold on



...don't t u r n i n g back

here without y o u...
Desir pasir dipadang tandus
segersang pemikiran hati
Terkisahku diantara cinta yang rumit
Bila keyakinan ku datang
Kasih bukan sekedar cinta
Pengorbanan cinta yang agungKu pertaruhkan
Maafkan bila ku tak sempurna
Cinta ini tak mungkinku cegah
Ayat-ayat cinta bercerita
Cinta ku padamu
Bila bahagia mulai menyentuh
Seakanku bisa hidup lebih lama
Namun harus ku tinggal kan cinta
Ketika ku bersujud...


This is my luvly jebit..names furfur / fufur / furrr..! hahaha..
(lantak ar)
janji aku g u m b i r a. . .

jebit ni aku da bela da dekat sebualn pn membe aku bg (tokeh jebit) hahaha.. ni jebit jantan..umo 5 6 bulan klo x silap aku..brand ape pn xjd..tgk mcm anggora, tp mcm jersy wooly, tp tah ar..jebit kacok cmni la jd nye.! adehh..
actually, jebit ni byk jenis.. antara jebit y paleng aku ske,
jenis lion head
anggora and
holland lop.!
x ramai tau psl jenis2 jebit neh..aku pn blaja dr org..klo korng nk tau,msk ar blog membe aku..
ni lak d antara jebit2 y aku ske.! weee..

(bapak huduh) tp, ade y comel..saje aku letak y huduh.! hahaha..

da mc bantal kekabu da aku tgk! hahaha.. ade y senonoh aku ske tgk y neh.! rare tu.. hehehe..

ni lg 1.! dah mcm hanjengjengjeng dah ruphe nye.! adoii..
tp mmg comel kn.. jarang jumpe arnab2 cmneh.! huhu..

klo ade sesape y beminat nk bela jebit2 aneh dr planet zargus neh, korg ley ar wat tempahan or beli tros (klo ade stock) kt blog membe aku neh..

||meniti.waktu [berputar]

Ketika satu pintu kebahagiaan t e r t u t u p, pintu yang lain dibukakan. Tetapi sering kali kita terpaku terlalu lama pada pintu yang tertutup sehingga tidak melihat pintu lain yang dibukakan bagi kita.

Dalam hidup,terkadang kita lebih banyak mendapatkan apa yang tidak kita inginkan. Dan ketika kita mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan, akhirnya kita tahu bahawa yang kita inginkan terkadang tidak dapat membuat hidup kita menjadi lebih bahagia.

Jadikan diri bagai pohon yang rendang di mana insan dapat berteduh.Jangan seperti pohon kering tempat sang pungguk melepas rindu dan hanya layak dibuat kayu api. Bermimpilah tentang apa yang ingin kamu impikan, pergilah ke tempat-tempat kamu ingin pergi. Jadilah seperti yang kamu inginkan, kerna kamu hanya memiliki
k e s e m p a t a n.


celik mate mandi makan kerja lepak cinta2 tgk tv brite
jd burong hantu ke pagi tido lena lupe dunia..
ape y kamu boleh agong kn dgn watak kamu.? ape cerita hebat y kamu tinggal kn untok anak cucu kamu nnt.?

cerita puitis syahdu merdu telinga mendengar..pura-pura menititis air mata hati bangga tahap mengila..rupa cerita-cerita hebat hanya sekadar mitos pak pandir lame..lupa diri lupa siapa sebenanye watak dunia y kononnya paleng hebat lagak f i l e m melayu kite..
ape y da kamu lakukan?
bangga dgn....

g a y a kamu?
m a l a m kamu?
d u i t kamu?
c i n t a kamu?

adey..kasi jaaalan daa..

..mungkin..hidop hanya sekali..ape y kite lakukan adalah y t e r b a e k untok kte..itu jalan y kite pilih..j a l a n mudah y boleh wat kite hidop gembire menikmati kebahagian keindahan
dunia s e m e n t a r a..

hantam saja lah labu..

diri kite..hidop kite..

punyai hati..punyai naluri..punyai fikiran..punyai otak..
f i k i r dengan w a r a s..


hye dude..wah.! 1st time aku wat blog..sengal gak nk pk ape y aku nk buboh lam blog neh.. hantam saja lah labu..
thanks to all visito y ne'ngok blog aku neh..huhu..xtually otak aku ngh hang.! mcm2 porblem y dtg menepek kt pale aku..patu dtg lak sawan aku nk wat blog..
(tah hape mimpi tah) n lg hang otak n jiwa aku nk pk psl blog neh..
h u h.. aku nk cte psl j i w a kacau neh..

...floralife.. ape tu.? ???
aku pn x tau.! hahaha..tajok men tibai..flora means tumbuh2an.. life is kehidupan..simple what.! simbiosis kehidupan..